What parents of twin toddlers need to know

Recently we asked a question on our Facebook page and wanted to share some of the great pieces of advice shared by our followers. 

We asked: What is one lesson you think every parent of twin toddlers should know? 

Your responses were outstanding. We got humor, valuable tidbits of parenting advice, and everything in between. 

Here are some of our favorites:

“Doesn’t matter if you have two of everything, they will still want what the other one has. Be patient! Address them as individuals and start treating them as such, not referring to them as the twins. Their personalities are beginning to shine through and they need to be treated as individuals, just as any other child would. Good luck!“ – Donna Smith 

“You think you have things out of their reach, you DON’T. Move it higher than you can reach! They will use each other as step stools to get to what they want! (Tops of tables, countertops, bookshelves, Christmas trees, sinks to play in the water) They’ll wait until you absolutely can’t hold it and have to potty to wait to do it, and THEY ARE FAST!” Katrina Waldron Rummler 

“Teach them “my turn” instead of “mine.” This is a lesson some people never learn and it’s practically built into a twin’s vocabulary! Embrace this blessing and they will be ahead of the class in kindergarten.“ – Lana Shoaf

Spend time with each child alone. Even if it’s just a walk. Continue [to do it] as they get older – especially the teen years.”  Maria Losquadro-Mazza 

“Always make sure that they each have their own birthday cake. We celebrate together (and my niece who shares a birthday with my twins), but they always get their own cake. (This advice was given to me from a twin mum)” – Samantha Attard

“I loved this stage with my twins, I used to spend lots of time outside with them and going to indoor playgrounds and playgroups and allowing them to socialize with others than just their siblings. My husband and I used to separate them as well, so they got used to being by themselves – so when they went to school and one child got sick and one didn’t they wouldn’t feel alone and be ok at school. My twins will be 17 and it was the best things I chose to do for my twins.” – Roxanne Doucette-Huntley 

And a piece of advice that no parent of multiples should ever forget: 

Just love them! Hard days will pass (This is true for any child, singleton or otherwise).” – Jasmyn Goulet O’Brien

Thanks to all of our readers who shared their thoughts on what parents of twin toddlers need to know.

Kristen Fescoe

Kristen Fescoe is an adjunct professor of Psychology at Rowan College, a writer and lead editor at Twins Magazine. She's the mother of three, twins daughters aged 12 and a son aged 7. Kristen earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Forensic Psychology. She began her career working in two prisons in Philadelphia as an inmate counselor and part of a research team at the University of Pennsylvania. After completing her research, Kristen founded a company specializing in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, applying clinical psychological practices in the business world. Since venturing out of clinical practice, she has used her knowledge and experience in psychological principles working with businesses to help them apply these concepts to business practices. She joined the Resility Health team as the Clinical Manager in 2016.


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