September October 2017

In this edition:

ADHD Causes Parents and Family
Are things getting too hectic in your life
Easy foods for Infant Twins
Five oreos no more
Five super Halloween safety tips for toddler twins
Give Yourself a 3-Point Over protective Check-Up!
Helicopter Parenting Avoiding the hover and-smother urge!
Terror in the Night !
The ABCs of assigning twins chores
The Extra Precautions to take while Pregnant with Multiples
The `Oliver Twist’ Method
This is Halloween
Tooth Fairy Magic
Twins & Tantrums
WATch For your BABies’ cues
you cAn do iT!

Twins Magazine

TWINS™ Magazine: Celebrating life, family, and the magic of multiples since 1984!

TWINS Magazine
Ready to have ALL of the answers and become the ULTIMATE Twin Expert?

Who isn’t? We don’t promise to make you an all-knowing twins smarty-pants but hey, subscribe and we’ll help along the way with cool tips, tales, and other assorted twinsanity.

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