May June 2011

In this edition:

6 Steps to Potty Training Your Pair
Additional tips to prepare your singleton
Celebrating Birthdays Twin Style
Congratulations Anna & Sophia from Ebervale
Dr. Joan A. Friedman Leads a Preliminary Discussion on Findings of her in-depth Adult Twin Survey
Four Shoes
Helpful “Don’ts”
Hiding from “The Bogeyman
how can Parents help
Looking for new and fun twin birthday party ideas
Parents Create Line of Maternity Clothes Exclusively for Moms of Twins & Multiples
Parents Want to Know To schedule or not to schedule
Sentenced To Bed Rest
The importance of finding the individual and discovering each child’s passion
To Compare or Contrast that is the Question
Welcome and greetings to the TWINS Magazine community
We’re Having Twins!
Who’s Who Foolproof Strategies for Telling Identical Twins Apart

Twins Magazine

TWINS™ Magazine: Celebrating life, family, and the magic of multiples since 1984!


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