DIY Mushroom Craft For Kids

This Fruit Cup Mushroom Craft For Kids is not only so fun to make but is a great little decoration for your home too! I love displaying my kid’s art and activities they do on my walls! So cute!

Mushroom Craft For Kids

DIY Mushroom Craft For Kids

Here are the supplies you will need to make your DIY Mushroom Craft For Kids:

*2 empty fruit cups, washed & dried 

*2 empty toilet paper rolls 

*White & assorted colored paint 


*Small circle-shaped paint sponge 

*Hot Glue 

Instructions to make DIY Mushroom Craft for Kids:

1. Paint both TP rolls and the outside of one of the fruit cups with an even layer of white paint let dry 

2. Paint the other fruit cup any color you choose, let dry 

3. Use the paint sponge to press colored paint circles on the white fruit cup and white paint circles on the colored fruit cup, let dry 

Mushroom Craft For Kids

4. Run a line of hot glue around the top of the TP Roll and place the fruit cup upside down over the roll, hold in place for about 10 seconds 

Your mushroom is now complete! And they turn out SO dang cute! This is definitely a unique DIY craft for kids of all ages. At least it will help to keep your child engaged and doing something fun instead of sitting behind a game console or cell phone! 

Mushroom Craft For Kids

Let me know if you decide to make these cute and fun crafts with your kiddos! They are also great to make for homeschool or a family night! Don’t forget to check out Disney’s Soul Inspired Sugar Body Scrub!


Mushroom Craft For Kids

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