Coping in the 3rd Wave: 6 Tips for Parents

For many of us, it’s been a tough couple of weeks. We’ve got new lockdown restrictions, a return to remote learning, and skyrocketing COVID cases. Families across the country and globe face similar realities as we wade through the third wave. It’s difficult to be positive and see light at the end of the tunnel. Many parents wonder how to cope through this seemingly never-ending pandemic.

As tough as things are, as parents, let’s continue to model coping skills to our kids. They watch our every move!

Here are a couple of tips and some words of encouragement as we try to get ourselves and our families through the third wave.

1. Routines routines routines

Stick to your routines. I’m a broken record repeating this point over the past year. Maintaining routines helps the household run smoothly and calmly. Bedtime, bath time, meal times, school hours, and outdoor play: keep to your schedule. We all (young and old!) love the calm, security, and predictability that results from it – especially during times of uncertainty, and utter pandemic fatigue.

2. Keep going

We’re in the school year’s final stretch (and hopefully the pandemic’s final stretch too!). In a non-pandemic year, I would encourage my students to “give their all” at this point, just like in the final meters of a long race. But not this year. Instead, I nudge my students to simply “show up.”

3. Show up and see what happens!

Many kids will rise to the occasion of the school day, and others may just “put in the time.” But – just being part of the class and its activities is a feat. Anything’s possible when you show up. One teacher colleague of mine said, “no matter how long this goes on, I have faith in my students and I’ll continue to push them to do their best and fill their potential.”

4. Use your village! (online, that is)

Dial into online communities such as mom blogs. Reach out to your friends and relatives for support of any kind. It takes a village to raise our families, now more than ever. Connect virtually with extended family, friends, and other supports such as tutors, counselors, therapists, and health providers. Don’t do it alone.

5. Watch for signs of stress in your kids

Some kids have become more resilient and adaptable during the pandemic, but other kids need more support. Ask yourself: are their moods and behaviors changing? Are the kids causing problems at home, or are any of their behaviors becoming extreme? Watch for signs and reach out to a mental health specialist or health care provider for support if needed.

6. Find some alone time for yourself every day

A dog walk, a shower or bath, a workout, a podcast, a nap, an hour with a book, or a phone call with a friend. Escape the realities of family life and responsibilities for a moment and focus on yourself.

Folks, we’ve made it this far and we’re still kicking. Let’s take each day at a time, stay connected and healthy, and try to acknowledge our small wins as we paddle through the third wave.

Stay healthy, and stay sane. We’ve got this!


My tips blend well with many suggestions I share in my first book, Launch Your Kid: How to Promote Your Child’s Academic & Personal Success (without being a helicopter parent), which launched in January 2021.

-buy it today at and use BACKYARDCAMP20 to get 20% off!

Jane Kristoffy

BA, BEd, MEd, OCT, Educational Strategist, Right Track Educational Services.


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