Useful Contacts for Support During Pregnancy

Sidelines National Support Network
Sidelines is a network of support groups across the country for women with complicated pregnancies and their families.
PO Box 1808
Laguna Beach, CA 92652
(714) 497-2265 or (719) 488-0266

Doulas of North America

An international, non-profit association of doulas who are trained to provide the highest quality labor support to birthing women and their families.
PO Box 626
Jasper, IN 47547
(888) 788-DONA

Twins Magazine

TWINS™ Magazine: Celebrating life, family, and the magic of multiples since 1984!

TWINS Magazine
Ready to have ALL of the answers and become the ULTIMATE Twin Expert?

Who isn’t? We don’t promise to make you an all-knowing twins smarty-pants but hey, subscribe and we’ll help along the way with cool tips, tales, and other assorted twinsanity.

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