A while ago I came across the idea of teaching a growth mindset to kids. I was incredibly intrigued by the idea of helping M learn how to think with a growth mindset. So, I spent some time learning everything I could about the growth mindset. As an adult, it was really fascinating to learn about the approach of training your mind to think differently and how that affects the outcome and motivation you may have in every aspect of life. It’s very interesting stuff!

How I started:

I first dove into the ideas of the Growth mindset by personally reading Mindset which talks about the power of how mindsets affect us in every area of life. After reading it, I wanted to teach our kids this incredible way of thinking. For me, it was super helpful to have a deep understanding of how mindsets work before diving in with M but the journal is really stand-alone. I just found the reading for adults fascinating.

I was so excited to discover Big Life Journal. This company is amazing. I love the story of how they developed this journal for their son and I am amazed at all of the resources they have for others taking this journey of raising kids. I hope you also get a chance to check out their blog where they have tons of fantastic articles.

Kids Learn:

There are short little stories at the beginning of each chapter to engage the child with the idea of essential topics like Persistence, Gratitude, Making a difference, Believing in yourself, and more. M especially loved the Chapter on persistence since it highlighted the story of J.K. Rowling. This girl is just a die-hard Harry Potter fan, and the idea that J.K. Rowling had to be persistent to follow her dreams was super relatable to M.

Kids Think:

After reading the short motivational story, kids get an opportunity to think about the topic. They are encouraged to ask their journal buddy (that’s me) about a situation that they encountered relevant to the subject. One of the unexpected benefits of having this little journal was the talks M and me have had about important life lessons where she was asking about, and interested in hearing about my experiences on topics of persistence, making a difference, and more. I got to think about times in my life where I did something hard and followed through. I wonder sometimes if those conversations will eventually last even longer than the story of J.K Rowling that she read. I am not sure, but it was conversations I was thankful to have and experiences of my own life I was excited to share with her.

Kids Write:

Once the journal buddy’s story is discussed, there are writing prompts for kids to fill out their ideas on how they can apply said topic to their own life. When learning about how to make a difference, the book asks M to think of someone that SHE could help. Then there is space to write what help is needed, and finally, space for M to write her idea on how she could help.

For the chapter on being persistent, the book has M think about a time that she worked very hard, what she did when she wanted to give up, and why she didn’t give up. I found the writing prompts great for M. The space to write answers was small on most pages so a younger child could for sure do this journal. It didn’t visually look like M had to create a whole paragraph here, just a thought. And, it is the idea to get our kids thinking about these things that matter to me. The chapter finishes with a whole page to answer a prompt about why it is important for M not to give up even when it is difficult. So there is more room when there are things to really think out on paper.

Benefits of Kids learning a Growth Mindset

  • They are empowered because they learn they are in charge of their own thinking.
  • They stop worrying about mistakes and not performing perfectly.
  • They love learning more and are more open to feedback.
  • They are motivated to keep trying when there are setbacks.
  • Inspires kids to see the big picture

A growth mindset is a tool for kids and adults, and I am so excited to continue to work with M on it as we homeschool. Do you have any experience with teaching or learning about growth mindset? What tips do you have? I’d love to hear from others on this topic since I find it truly fascinating. Please feel free to join the conversation!

Amazon Picks:

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