St. Patrick?s Day Sensory Bottles

These St. Patrick’s Day Sensory Bottles are super fun to make! Kids of all ages enjoy these sensory bottles because they are SO soothing!

If you made the patriotic sensory bottle before, then you know how soothing and relaxing these sensory bottles are to look at and watch. These are really fun to make and my kids all get involved in making these. They are just so fun!


  • 16oz. Sensory bottle 
  • 1 tsp. Green water beads 
  • Green beads
  • Water
  • Gold coins 
  • Optional: tape or glue 


  • Pour water beads into a bowl. Add 1 cup of water. Set aside and allow the water beads to reach full size. Add more water if necessary.

  • Drain the water beads with a colander. 
  • Scoop a few water beads into the bottle. Add beads and coins. 

  • Add more water beads. Fill the bottle about ¾ full with items. 
  • Pour water into the bottle until full. Close and secure the lid well with tape or glue. 

St. Patrick’s Day Sensory Bottle

These St. Patrick’s Day Sensory Bottles turn out so pretty! Just look at it! And, these will last a little while so every time your child (or you) get a bit stressed out, grab this sensory bottle and flip it around to help bring your mind back to where you want it to be—in a peaceful mode!

Let me know if you decide to make these cool-looking St. Patrick’s Day Sensory Bottles. I would love to know how they turned out for you and your kids! Let me know, in the comments below!

And, if you are looking for other ways to help ease your child’s mind during these trying times, I suggest puzzles! Puzzles help my kids and me focus and it helps with our anxiety issues. You should give it a try next time you and your kids are feeling anxious. Plus, it is a great way to spend time with your kids while having a bit of fun too!

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