4th of July Fruit Kabobs with Donuts!

Tasty treats and goodies are always a good thing for kids! What child doesn’t just love sweets? These 4th of July fruit kabobs with donuts are the perfect tasty treat for any kind of gettogether or holiday.

You only need a few ingredients and I am sure you can substitute the ingredients for other goodies. This treat allows you to be super creative and get the kids involved in making these fruit kabobs with donuts.

This recipe will make 10 of the 4th of July fruit kabobs with donut holes! Yum! Here is what you will need, to make your very own tasty 4th of July fruit kabobs with donut holes.


  • 1 pound of strawberries
  • 1 pint of blueberries
  • 20 powdered sugar donut holes (We love these ones! Yum!)
  • 10 wooden 8-inch skewers


  • Start by slicing the strawberries about ÂĽ of an inch thick.
  • To assemble, start with a blueberry and push it down the skewer until it is about an inch away from the end of it.
  • Layer on a strawberry slice, donut hole, blueberry, another strawberry slice, and another donut hole.
  • Repeat this process with the remainder of the skewers and serve for a wonderful fourth of July breakfast or dessert!

Let me know if you decide to make this for your kids this 4th of July! I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t like these yummy fruit kabobs with a twist!

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