September October 2016

In this edition:

17 Things I Wish I Had Known Back in the Day
5Tips for Better Sleep for Your Twins After Daylight Savings Ends
Birthday Cakes & Other Important Stuff to Consider
Conversation and Your Kids 7 Tips for Getting the Words Flowing
Cost and Availability of Child Care Continues to Burden American Families
Decisions Decisions Separate Ways for my two!
Five Steps toward a Natural and Rewarding Twin Birth
Identical Twins Start Spacecraft Business
LOL Laugh Out Loud No One Told Me Having Twins Would Be Like This!
Postpartum Eclampsia Almost Left My Husband a Single Dad
Save Spend and Share times Two
Science and Safety the Focus of St. Elizabeth’s Principal
Welcoming Twins when Down Syndrome is Part of the Story
What Having Newborn Twins Really Looks Like.

Twins Magazine

TWINS™ Magazine: Celebrating life, family, and the magic of multiples since 1984!

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