March April 2013

In this edition:

11 strategies to guarantee a bad sex life
13 guidelines to great sex talk
5 Things to Know about Finding the Perfect Baby sitter
6 Steps to Potty Training your Pair
7 Steps to Teaching Empathy
A Secret Code When Parenting Twins
Baby Gear.Beg
Bringing Home Babies
Can Children be too empathic
Grandparents of Twins
How to Prevent Stretch Marks
Is There a Sex Life After Twins
M.O.T. RAP (Mothers of Twins Rap)
Make Home Made Diaper Wipes Recipe 1
Meet “The CuteKidT Cutest Twins of 2012”
My Very Special BFF
New Baby Journal App Hits the Market
New Fetal Test Spares Pregnant Moms the Risks of Amniocentesis
Signs that your twins are ready.
Stages of Empathy
That’s How We Roll Buying Advice for Double Jogging Strollers
Twin sisters Kat and Margaret King co-author new book called “Y’all Twins”
YES They can Learn to care

Twins Magazine

TWINS™ Magazine: Celebrating life, family, and the magic of multiples since 1984!

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