July August 2006

In this edition:

12 to 24 Months-Super-screen!
8 Tips to Tighten Your Family Fence
Advantages of Breastfeeding
Affiliated Genetics defends its track record of DNA testing
Ask the Nanny!
Bilingual article coming
Bilingual twins will catch up
Boston rendezvous
Breaking the Barriers The Secret to Controlling Your Twins’ School Placement
Changed my mind Twins better when separated
Common newborn rashes
Coping With Hospital Personnel
Emotions run high on subject of breastfeeding
Endings HAPPY
Fight the schools
from the editor
Genetics and Twinning
Have twins will travel
How can discipline possibly work when your twins are so young
Identity Theft
It’s all relative-3 tips for peace and happiness
Jacoby is a tap dancer!
Jake’s out of helmet
Kid’s seat in back is safest
Know your airline’s rules
Making it meaningful A Basic Guide to Breastfeeding Premature Twins
Milk consumption linked to twin pregnancies in US
Mirror-image learning
Monozygotics are one gender
Mothers Can Get Help
Myth busting Twins
New foundation is launched
North Carolina mom delivers 3rd set of twins
On a mission
Outdated twin site
Quit scaring me with constant SIDS reminders!
School separation depends
2006\Text Extracts\2006JulAug\School success Getting your multiples ready for kindergarten
Seattle woman has quints who survive
Seeking dwarf moms of twins
Separate twins gradually
stages GROWING
Storing Breastmilk
Talk it up Help your multiples with the gift of gab
Teaching twins to talk
The doctor coach
the family coach
The great Wyoming RV quest
The stars of the sitcom
TTTS survivors could be on 2007 calendar
Twin births continue to rise
Twin Takes
Twins are apart together
Twins Should Be Together!
Twins with a Twist
Twins-in-school bill introduced in Pennsylvania
What’s mine is mine!
`Wealth of knowledge’
“T” is for Twins!

Twins Magazine

TWINS™ Magazine: Celebrating life, family, and the magic of multiples since 1984!

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