Holiday Shopping: Do We Really Need Two of Everything?

The holidays are in full swing and as lists are getting checked and double-checked, a question that many new twin parents ask is whether they really need two of everything. In this guide, we will take a look at what you might want to double up on this holiday season and when one will probably do. 

When you need two

The biggest question you need to ask yourself when deciding whether to add one or two of something to the holiday shopping list is – will they use this one at a time? 

If you are buying something for mealtime, bathtime, traveling in the car, or anything your kiddos will be doing together, two is probably ideal. 

If your children are older, you might want to ask whether a toy is going to be “hot ticket” enough in your household to create a potential sharing issue. Yes, you obviously want your multiples to learn to share but if there will be tears come Christmas morning or on an evening in Hannukah, it might be worth doubling. 

When one will do fine

There are also plenty of toys, games, etc. that can be shared and one will be plenty. If you asked yourself the two questions above and felt like it was not going to be used at the same time and wasn’t going to cause a stir, just buy one. 

Remember that encouraging your twins (or more) to share toys they love will pay off in the long run. Less in-demand toys are probably perfect for sharing. Games are another great gift to share.  

If Santa decided one is enough, how do you gift for sharing? 

If you decide that one is enough of something but Santa has it on his list, then how do you make this work? When your multiples are still young, you might want to consider having a spot for each child’s individual gifts and another spot (like under the tree) for shared items. Santa is a smart guy, he’ll catch on!  

Extra considerations

A few other things to keep in mind:

  • Older multiples are much less likely to want to share, so keep that in mind when deciding. 
  • If a gift is at the top of both kids’ lists, it’s probably wise to opt for duplicates.
  • There are some things you will want to separate by color or pattern (think pacifiers and blankets) and if that is the case then double is better.
  • Ask your kids. Perhaps asking if it’s worth sharing one item might allow them to get that extra thing on their wish list!

When the holidays come you want to delight every member of your family. But overspending, especially when you are buying for two or more, is way too easy. Think through what you “need” two of and when one will do. This might make your holiday load just a little lighter. 

Happy holidays!

Kristen Fescoe

Kristen Fescoe is an adjunct professor of Psychology at Rowan College, a writer and lead editor at Twins Magazine. She's the mother of three, twins daughters aged 12 and a son aged 7. Kristen earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Forensic Psychology. She began her career working in two prisons in Philadelphia as an inmate counselor and part of a research team at the University of Pennsylvania. After completing her research, Kristen founded a company specializing in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, applying clinical psychological practices in the business world. Since venturing out of clinical practice, she has used her knowledge and experience in psychological principles working with businesses to help them apply these concepts to business practices. She joined the Resility Health team as the Clinical Manager in 2016.

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